Natural Medical Practices

Tips to Improve Your Eyesight Naturally

In our digital life, our eyes are constantly under strain from prolonged screen time and environmental factors. Eyesight reduction is common for everyone and...

Wild Cockatoos Are Pretty Darn Smart, Scientists Find Bird Intelligence

Birds are more intelligent than humans. Many birds use tools, outsmart other animals, recognize faces, solve riddles, plan for the future, demonstrate empathy, and...

Check Out the Importance of Apple

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, is a very popular quote and the same is a reminding us of the power of...

Benefits of Rain Sounds for Humans

Rain is the gift of nature and the same is very important for us in various aspects. Rain offers a good source of water...

Here’s the Power of Clean Surroundings on Our Health

We can find various dust and dirty elements in our surroundings and that can create a bad impact on our health and environment. Today...

